Lifts, one of those things that you never think about until it stops working. Lift breakdowns are far more common than you think and the thought of getting stuck in one terrifies people but not as much as the callout costs terrifies the lift owner.
The maority of lift brekadowns are down to either poor levels of maintenance or incorrectly set-up equipment, however a lot of lift breakdowns can be repaired without the need of an engineer.
Before you reach for the telephone to call the lift company try the following things.
1. Make sure there is no obstruction in the door tracks. Paper clips, pens and coins are common obstructions
2. Make sure the call buttons are not stuck in. Cleaning with brasso is usually the culprit.
3. Wipe the black lenses on the internal door with a rag. Dust is attracted to the static surface causing the doors to stay open.
If after you have tried these the lift still does not work then call the engineer. I must point out i would not attempt to try and fix the lift yourself and limit what you try to the 3 items above, only qualified and suitably trained engineers should repair lifts.
Hopefully this advice will help and even if it saves 1 callout then it would have been worth doing.
If you need the services of a lift company then try here